Fun Facts – Animal Sleep Patterns

Do you think your pet sleeps a lot? Well here are some fun facts. Dogs sleep an average 12-14 hours per day, while cats sleep an average of 12.5 hours a day. Horses and elephants…


Veterinary Internship – Welcome Dr Justine Norwood

You may see a new face in our vet team over the next few months! Dr Justine Norwood (BVSc- University of Sydney) will be joining us for a 3 month rotation as part of a…


Vets Continuing Education

Melissa has just returned from the University of Qld, Gatton small animal surgery facility and getting the latest surgical techniques to improve and treat the obstructive airway problems so common in brachycephalic dogs (short nosed…


“Ned” Finally Gets a Clear View Of The World!

18 month old “Ned” presented with a squinty and weepy right eye. Examination revealed a 4mm long wood splinter embedded within the cornea (the glassy front of the eye). As the splinter was deep with…


Local hardware store aids Taizo’s jaw surgery!

   “Taizo” is a 4 yr old male shihtzu who was rushed to us for attention after he returned from a jaunt on acreage with his mandible (lower jaw) flopped down & pointing to the…


When to desex your family pet?

At the Australian Veterinary Association Conference in Perth (2015) evidence was presented linking early prepubertal desexing in medium to large breed dogs of either sex to a higher incidence of cruciate ligament rupture and clinical evidence…


How to lose 15kg in 2 hours!

“Rex”, a 52kg Labrador presented with a large weighty fatty growth (lipoma) over the top of his chest. He was finding it hard to move around and it appeared to pull him to one side…